Setting up servers

This section guides you to set up and prepare the servers to run WSO2 Open Banking Accelerator.

Installing base products

WSO2 Open Banking Accelerator is a technology stack catered to speed up the implementation of an open banking solution. The accelerators run on top of WSO2 Identity Server and WSO2 API Manager, which are referred to as base products.

  1. Before setting up the accelerator, download and install the base products. You can use any of the following combinations:

    Base Product Combination 01 Combination 02
    WSO2 Identity Server 5.11.0 6.0.0
    WSO2 API Manager 4.1.0 or 4.0.0 4.2.0
    WSO2 Streaming Integrator 4.0.0 4.2.0
  2. To configure the Identity Server with the API Manager, install the respective WSO2 IS Connector according to the API Manager version you have downloaded.

Installing WSO2 Open Banking Accelerator

Before you begin

See the environment compatibility to determine whether the current accelerator version is compatible with your operating system.

  1. If you have an active WSO2 Open Banking subscription, contact us via WSO2 Online Support System to download Open Banking Accelerator 3.0.0.


    If you don't have a WSO2 Open Banking subscription, contact us for more information.

  2. Extract the downloaded WSO2 Open Banking Accelerator zip files. WSO2 Open Banking Accelerator contains the following accelerators.

    • wso2-obiam-accelerator-3.0.0
    • wso2-obam-accelerator-3.0.0
    • wso2-obbi-accelerator-3.0.0
  3. Go to the root directories of WSO2 Identity Server, API Manager and Streaming Integrator. These root directories are the product homes.


    This documentation will refer to the product homes as <IS_HOME>,<APIM_HOME>, and <SI_HOME> respectively.

  4. Place the relevant accelerator zip files and extract them in their respective product homes:

    File Directory location to place the Accelerator <IS_HOME> <APIM_HOME> <SI_HOME>


    This documentation will refer to the above-extracted directories of the accelerators as <OB_IS_ACCELERATOR_HOME>,<OB_APIM_ACCELERATOR_HOME>, <OB_BI_ACCELERATOR_HOME> respectively.

Getting WSO2 Updates

The WSO2 Update tool delivers hotfixes and updates seamlessly on top of products as WSO2 Updates. They include improvements that are released by WSO2. You need to update the base products and accelerators using the relevant script.

  1. Go to <PRODUCT_HOME>/bin and run the WSO2 Update tool:

    • Repeat this step for the WSO2 Identity Server, API Manager, and Stream Integrator products.

  2. Go to <ACCELERATOR_HOME>/bin and run the WSO2 Update tool:

    • Repeat this step for the WSO2 Open Banking Identity Server, API Manager, and Business Intelligence accelerators.


For more information, see the WSO2 Updates documentation.


When you obtain WSO2 Updates, always run the relevant script in the Accelerators to reflect the latest changes. Follow steps 1 to 3 in the Setting up Accelerator section for instructions.

Modifying jsonConverter.xml

  • If you are customizing the <APIM_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/sequences/jsonConverter.xml file, instead modify the file below.
  • If you have already customized jsonConverter.xml in the API Manager, duplicate the same changes to the file inside the Open Banking API Manager Accelerator.

Setting up Accelerator

  1. To copy the accelerator files to the API Manager server, go to the <APIM_HOME>/<OB_APIM_ACCELERATOR_HOME>/bin directory and run the script as follows:

  2. To copy the accelerator files to the Identity Server, go to the <IS_HOME>/<OB_IS_ACCELERATOR_HOME>/bin directory and run the merge script as follows:

  3. To copy the accelerator files to the Streaming Integrator, go to the <SI_HOME>/<OB_BI_ACCELERATOR_HOME>/bin directory and run the merge script as follows:

If you are using windows platform...

If you are using windows platform, since the merge.ps1 file is not digitally signed yet, your powershell might prevent you from running this script normally. In that case you may need to run it in a powershell instance where its execution policy is set to bypass mode.

Use the following command to run it in execution policy bypassed powershell environment.

powershell -executionpolicy bypass .\merge.ps1

IMPORTANT : Do not run any other unverified scripts using this way. This is a temporary solution.

  1. Extract the wso2is-extensions zip file of the relevant API Manager version.

  2. Copy the following files to the Identity Server as follows:

    1. Open the <IS_EXTENSION>/dropins folder.
    2. Copy the following JAR files to the <IS_HOME>/repository/components/dropins folder.
      • wso2is.key.manager.core
      • wso2is.notification.event.handlers
    3. Open the <IS_EXTENSION>/webapps folder.
    4. Copy the keymanager-operations.war file to the <IS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/webapps folder.

Setting up JAVA_HOME

Set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the directory where the Java Development Kit (JDK) is installed on the server.


Environment variables are global system variables accessible by all the processes running under the operating system.

  1. Open the .bashrc file (.bash_profile file on Mac) in your home directory using a file editor.

  2. Add the following two lines at the bottom of the file. Replace the <JDK_LOCATION> placeholder with the actual directory where the JDK is installed.

    export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin

  3. Save the file. To verify that the JAVA_HOME variable is set correctly, execute the following command. This should retrieve the JDK installation path:
    echo $JAVA_HOME

Configuring ports

The open banking solution may run in different machines/servers. It is mandatory to open the ports of each server to allow a successful data flow. The instances mentioned below specify the ports that need to be opened:

Instance/Product Port Usage
WSO2 Identity Server 9446 HTTPS servlet transport
The default URL of the Management Console is https://<IS_HOST>:9446/carbon
WSO2 API Manager 9443 HTTPS servlet transport
The default URL of the Management Console is https://<APIM_HOST>:9443/carbon
8243 NIO/PT transport HTTPS port
WSO2 Streaming Integrator 9444 HTTPS netty transport
7612 Thrift TCP port to receive events from clients
7712 Thrift SSL port for secure transport where the client is authenticated

Exchanging the certificates

If you are using the default keystores available in the products, click here to see how to update keystores...

If you are using the default keystores available in the products, update them by removing any unnecessary or expired Root CA Certificates.

  1. The keystores are available in the <IS_HOME>/repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks and <APIM_HOME>/repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks files.

  2. Use the following command to list and identify problematic certificates:

    keytool -list -v -keystore wso2carbon.jks

  3. Remove the certificates using the alias as follows:

    keytool -delete -alias <ALIAS_TO_REMOVE> -keystore wso2carbon.jks

In order to enable secure communication, we need to install the certificates of each component in others. This will facilitate a Secure Socket Layer (SSL). Follow the steps below to implement this:

Creating new keystores

For API Manager:

  1. Create a new keystore by following the API Manager documentation.
  2. Configure the new keystore by following the API Manager documentation.

For Identity Server:

  1. Create a new keystore by following the Identity Server documentation.
  2. Configure the new keystore by following the Identity Server documentation.
  1. Generate a key against the keystore of a particular server. For example, server A with an alias and common name that is equal to the hostname.

    keytool -genkey -alias <keystore_alias> -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 3650 -keystore <keystore_path> -storepass <keystore_password> -keypass <key password> -noprompt
  2. Export the public certificate of the newly generated key pair.

    keytool -export -alias <cert_alias> -file <certificate_path> -keystore <keystore path>>
  3. Import the public cert of Server A to the client truststores of all the servers including Server A.

    keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias <cert_alias> -file <certificate_path> -keystore <trustore_path> -storepass <keystore_password> -noprompt
  4. Repeat above steps for all the servers.

  5. If there is an Active Directory/LDAP configured in your deployment, add the Active Directory certificate to the client-truststore of all the servers.

Copying the deployment.toml

WSO2 Open Banking Accelerator contains TOML-based configurations. All the server-level configurations of the instance can be applied using a single configuration file, which is the deployment.toml file.

  1. Replace the existing deployment.toml file in the API Manager as follows:

    • Go to the <APIM_HOME>/<OB_APIM_ACCELERATOR_HOME>/repository/resources directory.

    • Rename wso2am-4.0.0-deployment.toml to deployment.toml.

    • Copy the deployment.toml file to the <APIM_HOME>/repository/conf directory and replace the existing file.

  2. Replace the existing deployment.toml file in the Identity Server as follows:

    • Go to the <IS_HOME>/<OB_IS_ACCELERATOR_HOME>/repository/resources directory.

    • Rename wso2is-5.11.0-deployment.toml to deployment.toml.

    • Copy the deployment.toml file to the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf directory to replace the existing file.

  3. Replace the existing deployment.yaml file in the Streaming Integrator as follows:

    • Go to the <SI_HOME>/<OB_BI_ACCELERATOR_HOME>/repository/resources directory.

    • Rename wso2si-4.0.0-deployment.yaml to deployment.yaml.

    • Copy the deployment.yaml file to the <SI_HOME>/conf/server directory to replace the existing file.

  4. For instructions on how to configure the deployment.toml file, see the following topics:


    For instructions on configuring Streaming Integrator for open banking, see Try out publishing data.
