Deploy with Docker

This page explains two methods of deploying the solution in Docker containers.

Before you begin:

  1. Install Git, Docker, and Docker Compose to get started.

  2. Clone the wso2/docker-open-banking repository. This document refers to the file path of the cloned directory as <OB_DOCKER_HOME>.

  3. Download and extract the WSO2 IS Connector according to the API Manager version that you are using. See the Installing base products documentation to learn about the respective WSO2 IS Connector according to the API Manager version.


    The IS Connector is required based on the WSO2 Identity Server version and the update level you are using:

    • For WSO2 Identity Server 5.11.0 as the base product, the IS Connector is needed if you are using Docker images with the tag or above.
    • For WSO2 Identity Server 6.0.0 as the base product, the IS Connector is needed below if you are using Docker images with the tag or above.


In order to use WSO2 Open Banking Docker Images, you need an active WSO2 Open Banking subscription. If you don't have a WSO2 Open Banking subscription, contact us for more information.

If you are using a JDK 17 obiam docker image (wso2is versions 6.0.0 and above), adaptive authentication is disabled by default.

To create a Docker image with adaptive authentication enabled, add the following commands to your Dockerfile and run it against the base image.

RUN chmod +x ${WSO2_IAM_SERVER_HOME}/bin/

See Enable adaptive authentication for more information.

Deploy WSO2 Open Banking with Docker Compose

This section explains how to deploy the solution using Docker Compose.


This is a Quick Start Guide to set up the solution in your local environment.

  1. Go to the docker-compose directory inside the <OB_DOCKER_HOME> directory.

    cd <OB_DOCKER_HOME>/docker-compose
  2. Select the docker-compose setup that you wish to use and navigate into it.

    cd obam-with-obiam


    Hereafter, the above-mentioned directory will be referred to as <DOCKER_COMPOSE_HOME>.

  3. By default, docker-compose is configured for the Docker images of the WSO2 Open Banking Accelerator which are based on WSO2 API Manager 4.2.0 and WSO2 Identity Server 6.0.0. Follow the additional instructions below only if you are using Docker images of WSO2 Open Banking solution with any other base product versions:

    1. Open the docker-compose.yml file in the <DOCKER_COMPOSE_HOME> directory.
    2. Change the base product versions of image names.
    3. Go to services > mysql > volumes.
    4. Change the SQL script according to your base product versions. You can find the respective SQL script according to your base product version here.
  4. Follow the steps below only if you wish to run the Docker Compose setup using WSO2 Toolkit Docker Images or locally-built Docker images:

    1. Build Docker images using Docker resources available here.
    2. Remove the prefix from the image name in the docker-compose.yml and change the image name to the image name of the locally-built image.
  5. Volume mount the IS connector on the obiam container.

    1. Go to the volumes section of the obiam service in the docker-compose.yml in the <DOCKER_COMPOSE_HOME> directory.
    2. Change the root directory path of the extracted WSO2 IS Connector with <IS_CONNECTOR_HOME>.
  6. Deploy the solution by executing the following command:

    docker-compose up

Deploy WSO2 Open Banking with Docker

This section explains how to set up the solution using WSO2 Open Banking Docker images.

Set up Network

  • Create a network.

    docker network create -d bridge ob-network

Set up Database Container

  1. Pull the MySQL image.

    docker pull mysql:8.0.32
  2. Run the MySQL Docker container.

    docker run --network ob-network --name mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root  -d mysql:8.0.32
  3. Choose the SQL script according to your base product versions and copy that SQL script to the MySQL container. For example, execute the below script if you are using WSO2 API Manager 4.2.0 and WSO2 Identity Server 6.0.0 as base products.

    docker cp <OB_DOCKER_HOME>/docker-compose/mysql/scripts/setup-apim4.2.0-IS6.0.0.sql  mysql:/setup.sql
  4. If you wish to use WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence Accelerator, copy the setup-reporting-databases.sql to the MySQL container.

    docker cp <OB_DOCKER_HOME>/docker-compose/mysql/scripts/setup-reporting-databases.sql  mysql:/setup-reporting-databases.sql
  5. Log in to the MySQL container.

    docker exec -it mysql mysql -uroot -proot
  6. Source the copied SQL script.

    mysql> source setup.sql;
    mysql> source setup-reporting-databases.sql;
  7. Update the MySQL connection limit.

    mysql> set global max_connections = 1000;
  8. Update the USER and openbank_apimgtdb.SP_METADATA tables:

    mysql> ALTER USER 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'root';
    mysql> ALTER TABLE openbank_apimgtdb.SP_METADATA MODIFY VALUE VARCHAR(7500);

Set up Open Banking Business Intelligence with Docker

  1. Pull the Open Banking Business Intelligence image from WSO2 Docker Repositories.

    docker pull
  2. Run the Open Banking Business Intelligence image.

    docker run -it -p 9712:9712 -p 9612:9612 -p 7712:7712 -p 7612:7612 -p 9092:9092 -p 9444:9444 --network ob-network --name obbi wso2-obbi:

Set up Open Banking Identity Server with Docker

  1. Pull the Open Banking Identity Server image from WSO2 Docker Repositories.

    docker pull
  2. Volume mount the IS connector and run the Identity Server image.

    docker run -it -p 9446:9446 --network ob-network --name obiam -v <IS_CONNECTOR_HOME>/dropins:/home/wso2carbon/wso2-artifact-volume/repository/components/dropins/ -v <IS_CONNECTOR_HOME>/webapps:/home/wso2carbon/wso2-artifact-volume/repository/deployment/server/webapps/ wso2-obiam:


    Here, <IS_CONNECTOR_HOME> refers to the root directory path of the extracted WSO2 IS Connector.

Set up Open Banking API Manager with Docker

  1. Pull the Open Banking API Manager image from WSO2 Docker Repositories.

    docker pull
  2. Run the Open Banking API Manager image.

    docker run -p 9443:9443 -p 8243:8243 -p 8280:8280 --network ob-network --name obam

Configure the WSO2 Open Banking solution

  1. Copy the deployment.toml files of the Identity Server and API Manager from the containers to a desired location in the host machine.

    docker cp obiam:/home/wso2carbon/wso2is-6.0.0/repository/conf/deployment.toml <DESIRED_LOCATION_OF_IS_DEPLOYMENT>
    docker cp obam:/home/wso2carbon/wso2am-4.2.0/repository/conf/deployment.toml <DESIRED_LOCATION_OF_APIM_DEPLOYMENT>
  2. Go to the location where you copied the deployment.toml of the Identity Server and update the copied file as follows:

    1. Change the jwks_url_sandbox and jwks_url_production URLs with the respective JWKS URLs of your certs.

    2. If you are using WSO2 Identity Server 6.0.0, add the below configuration to enable the application role validation:

      enable_role_validation = true
  3. If you are using WSO2 API Manager 4.2.0, go to the location where you copied the deployment.toml of the API Manager and update the copied file as follows:

    1. Locate the [open_banking.dcr.apim_rest_endpoints] tag. By default, this configuration is commented out.

    2. Uncomment the configuration and update as shown below:

      app_creation = "api/am/devportal/v3/applications"
      key_generation = "api/am/devportal/v3/applications/application-id/map-keys"
      api_retrieve = "api/am/devportal/v3/apis"
      api_subscribe = "api/am/devportal/v3/subscriptions/multiple"
  4. If you are using WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence Docker Image, please follow the steps below.

    1. Make sure that API Manager analytics is enabled in the deployment.toml file of the API Manager.

      enable = true
    2. Go to the deployment.toml files of the API Manager and Identity Server to enable open banking data publishing as follows:

      enable = true
  5. Place the modified deployment.toml files in the containers:

    docker cp <DESIRED_LOCATION_OF_IS_DEPLOYMENT>/deployment.toml obiam:/home/wso2carbon/wso2is-6.0.0/repository/conf/deployment.toml
    docker cp <DESIRED_LOCATION_OF_APIM_DEPLOYMENT>/deployment.toml obam:/home/wso2carbon/wso2am-4.2.0/repository/conf/deployment.toml
  6. Restart the containers to apply the changes:

    docker restart obiam obam
  7. Add the below entry mappings into the /etc/hosts file of your host machine.

    • mysql
    • obam
    • obiam
  8. You can access the WSO2 Open Banking API Manager using a web browser via the following URLs:

    • https://obam:9443/publisher
    • https://obam:9443/devportal
    • https://obam:9443/admin
    • https://obam:9443/carbon
  9. The API Gateway will be available on the following ports:

    • https://obam:8243
    • http://obam:8280
  10. You can access the WSO2 Open Banking Identity Server using a web browser via the following URL:

    • https://obiam:9446/carbon

Deploy APIs and Configure IS as Key manager

  1. If you are using HTTP/REST Endpoints when publishing the APIs, update the hostname of the endpoint as obiam. For example,

  2. If you are using insequence files when publishing the APIs, replace the hostname in the insequence file as follows:

    • obam:9443
    • obiam:9446
  3. When configuring the Key Manager, set the value of IS_HOST as obiam. For example,
