Set Up Accelerators

This section guides you to set up and prepare your servers to run WSO2 Open Banking Accelerator.

Step 1: Set up accelerators

Copy the extracted accelerator directories into the root directories of the respective base products. Use the table to locate the respective root directory of the base products:

File Directory location to place the Accelerator
wso2-obiam-accelerator-3.0.0 <IS_HOME>
wso2-obam-accelerator-3.0.0 <APIM_HOME>

Step 2: Configure database scripts


WSO2 Open Banking Accelerator is compatible with the following DBMSs:

  • MySQL 8.0
  • Oracle 19c
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017
  • PostgreSQL 13

This section explains how to set up the solution with a MySQL 8.0 database server. For other DBMS, see Setting up databases.

  1. Open the <APIM_HOME>/<OB_APIM_ACCELERATOR_HOME>/repository/conf/ file.

  2. Configure the hostnames of the API Manager and Identity Server.

  3. Configure databases related properties and database names.

  4. Open the <IS_HOME>/<OB_IS_ACCELERATOR_HOME>/repository/conf/ file and repeat step 2 and 3.

Step 3: Set up servers

  1. Run the merge script in <APIM_HOME>/<OB_APIM_ACCELERATOR_HOME>/bin and <IS_HOME>/<OB_IS_ACCELERATOR_HOME>/bin respectively:


  2. Run the configure files in <APIM_HOME>/<OB_APIM_ACCELERATOR_HOME>/bin and <IS_HOME>/<OB_IS_ACCELERATOR_HOME>/bin respectively:


If you are using windows platform...

If you are using windows platform, since the merge.ps1 and configure.ps1 files are not digitally signed yet, your powershell might prevent you from running them normally. In that case you may need to run these scripts in a powershell instance where its execution policy is set to bypass mode.

Use the following command to run these scripts in execution policy bypassed powershell environment.

powershell -executionpolicy bypass .\merge.ps1
powershell -executionpolicy bypass .\configure.ps1

IMPORTANT : Do not run any other unverified scripts using this way. This is a temporary solution.

  1. If you are using WSO2 Identity Server 6.0.0 and above,

    1. Open the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.
    2. Add below configuration to enable application role validation:

      enable_role_validation = true
  2. Extract the wso2is-extensions zip file of the relevant API Manager version.

  3. Follow the given instructions and copy the relevant files to the given directory paths.

    1. Open the <IS_EXTENSION>/dropins folder.
    2. Copy the following JAR files to the <IS_HOME>/repository/components/dropins folder.
      • wso2is.key.manager.core
      • wso2is.notification.event.handlers
    3. Open the <IS_EXTENSION>/webapps folder.
    4. Copy the keymanager-operations.war file to the <IS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/webapps folder.

Step 4: Start servers

If you are using JDK 17 with WSO2 Identity Server 6.0.0, you need to enable adaptive authentication. Click here to see how it is done...

For JDK 17 runtime, adaptive authentication is disabled by default and it is required to enable adaptive authentication. To enable adaptive authentication:

  1. Go to <IS_HOME>/bin.
  2. Run the following command:


See Adaptive Authentication - Prerequisites for more information.

  1. Run the following command in <IS_HOME>/bin:
  2. Run the following command in <APIM_HOME>/bin: