Consent Core Service

The consent management extension points can invoke the Consent core service. WSO2 Open Banking Accelerator handles consent creation, update, deletion, and any other consent related functionality using a service named ConsentCoreService. This is an interface, which you can simply invoke via any WSO2 Identity Server extension. The Fully Qualified Name (FQN) of ConsentCoreService is as follows:



The com.wso2.openbanking.accelerator.consent.service-3.0.0.jar JAR file inside the <IS_HOME>/repository/components/dropins directory contains the Java implementation related to consent management core services.

According to your requirements, invoke the relevant methods of this service. Given below is a brief description of each method.

createAuthorizableConsent method

This method lets you create a consent by performing the following:

  • Stores any available consent attributes
  • Creates an audit record for the consent creation
  • If the isImplicitAuth parameter is set to true, creates an authorization resource
  • If a periodical job for consent expiration is enabled, in order to make a consent eligible for expiration,
    • Append the ExpirationDateTime UTC timestamp attribute to consentResource.getConsentAttributes().

Given below is the method signature:

 DetailedConsentResource createAuthorizableConsent(ConsentResource consentResource,String userID,String authStatus,String authType,boolean isImplicitAuth) throws ConsentManagementException;

createExclusiveConsent method

This method lets you create an exclusive consent by performing the following:

  • Updates existing consent statuses and deactivate their account mappings
  • Creates an audit record for the consent update
  • Creates a new authorizable consent
  • If a periodical job for consent expiration is enabled, in order to make a consent eligible for expiration,
    • Append the ExpirationDateTime UTC timestamp attribute to consentResource.getConsentAttributes().
DetailedConsentResource createExclusiveConsent(ConsentResource consentResource, 
  String userID, String authStatus,
  String authType, String applicableExistingConsentsStatus,
  String newExistingConsentStatus, boolean isImplicitAuth)
throws ConsentManagementException;

createConsentFile method

This method lets you create a consent file by performing the following:

  • Validates the status of the consent a per the "applicableStatusToFileUpload" parameter
  • Creates the consent file
  • Updates the status of the consent
  • Creates audit records for necessary consent updates
boolean createConsentFile(ConsentFile consentFileResource, String newConsentStatus, String userID, String applicableStatusToFileUpload) throws ConsentManagementException;

revokeConsent method

This method lets you revoke a consent by performing the following:

  • Retrieves the consent for status validation
  • Updates the existing status of the consent
  • Creates an audit record for the consent update
  • Updates the account mapping status as inactive
boolean revokeConsent(String consentID, String revokedConsentStatus) throws ConsentManagementException;

To revoke tokens related to a consent, invoke the method by setting the shouldRevokeTokens flag true.

boolean revokeConsent(String consentID, String revokedConsentStatus, String userID, boolean shouldRevokeTokens) throws ConsentManagementException;

revokeExistingApplicableConsents method

This method lets you revoke existing consents for a given combination of clientID, userID, consent type, and status parameters. It also revokes any tokens related to the consents if the shouldRevokeTokens flag is set to true.

boolean revokeExistingApplicableConsents(String clientID, String userID, String consentType, String applicableStatusToRevoke, String revokedConsentStatus, boolean shouldRevokeTokens) throws ConsentManagementException;

getConsent method

This method lets you retrieve a consent with or without its attributes by performing the following:

  • Retrieves the consent for status validation
  • Optionally retrieves consent attributes according to the value of the withConsentAttributes flag
  • Checks whether the retrieved consent involves a file
ConsentResource getConsent(String consentID, boolean withConsentAttributes) throws ConsentManagementException;

storeConsentAttributes method

This method lets you store consent attributes related to a particular consent.

boolean storeConsentAttributes(String consentID, Map<String, String> consentAttributes) throws ConsentManagementException

getConsentAttributes method

This method lets you retrieve consent attributes related to a particular consent.

ConsentAttributes getConsentAttributes(String consentID) throws ConsentManagementException;

You can use the same method to retrieve consent attributes for a provided list of attribute keys related to a particular consent.

ConsentAttributes getConsentAttributes(String consentID, ArrayList<String> consentAttributeKeys) throws ConsentManagementException;

getConsentAttributesByName method

This method lets you retrieve consent attributes for a provided attribute name.

Map<String, String> getConsentAttributesByName(String attributeName) throws ConsentManagementException;

getConsentIdByConsentAttributeNameAndValue method

This method lets you retrieve the consent Id for a provided attribute name and attribute value.

ArrayList<String> getConsentIdByConsentAttributeNameAndValue(String attributeName, String attributeValue) throws ConsentManagementException;

deleteConsentAttributes method

This method lets you delete a provided list of consent attributes for a particular consent.

boolean deleteConsentAttributes(String consentID, ArrayList<String> attributeKeysList) throws ConsentManagementException;

getConsentFile method

This method lets you retrieve the consent file for a given consent.

ConsentFile getConsentFile(String consentID) throws ConsentManagementException;

getAuthorizationResource method

This method lets you retrieve an authorization resource for a given authorization ID.

AuthorizationResource getAuthorizationResource(String authorizationID) throws ConsentManagementException;

searchConsentStatusAuditRecords method

This method lets you search audit records. This is useful for auditing purposes and all input parameters are optional.


If all parameters are null, all audit records are returned.

ArrayList<ConsentStatusAuditRecord> searchConsentStatusAuditRecords(String consentID, String status, String actionBy, Long fromTime, Long toTime, String statusAuditID) throws ConsentManagementException;

reAuthorizeExistingAuthResource method

This method lets you update the account mappings in consent reauthorization scenarios.

  • The account mappings are updated according to the additions/removals in the new authorization
  • Updates the status of a consent with a provided status
  • Amends accounts
boolean reAuthorizeExistingAuthResource(String consentID, String authID, String userID, Map<String, ArrayList<String>> accountIDsMapWithPermissions, String currentConsentStatus, String newConsentStatus) throws ConsentManagementException;

reAuthorizeConsentWithNewAuthResource method

This method lets you update the account mappings in consent reauthorization scenarios.

  • The account mappings are updated according to the additions/removals in the new authorization
  • When reauthorizing with this method a new authorization resource is created
  • Existing authorizations are updated with a provided status
  • Updates the status of a consent with a provided status
  • Amends accounts
boolean reAuthorizeConsentWithNewAuthResource(String consentID, String userID, Map<String, ArrayList<String>> accountIDsMapWithPermissions, String currentConsentStatus, String newConsentStatus, String newExistingAuthStatus, String newAuthStatus, String newAuthType) throws ConsentManagementException;

getDetailedConsent method

This method lets you retrieve detailed consent for a given consent ID. A detailed consent includes the following in addition to consent resource-specific data:

  • Relative consent authorization data
  • Relative consent account mapping data
  • Relative consent attributes
DetailedConsentResource getDetailedConsent(String consentID) throws ConsentManagementException;

createConsentAuthorization method

This method lets you create an authorization resource for a consent.

AuthorizationResource createConsentAuthorization(AuthorizationResource authorizationResource) throws ConsentManagementException;

createConsentAccountMappings method

This method lets you create account ID and permission mappings for a relevant authorized user. A permission map represents permissions related to each accountID.

ArrayList<ConsentMappingResource> createConsentAccountMappings(String authID, Map<String, ArrayList<String>> accountIDsMapWithPermissions) throws ConsentManagementException;

deactivateAccountMappings method

This method lets you deactivate account bindings for provided account mapping IDs.

boolean deactivateAccountMappings(ArrayList<String> accountMappingIDs) throws ConsentManagementException;

searchDetailedConsents method

This method lets you search detailed consents for given lists of parameters. These lists may contain any number of elements and the conjunctive results are returned.

The following optional lists can be passed to retrieve detailed consents.


If all the given lists are null, all consents related to other search parameters will be returned.

  • A list of consent IDs
  • A list of client IDs
  • A list of consent types
  • A list of consent statuses
  • A list of user IDs
ArrayList<DetailedConsentResource> searchDetailedConsents(ArrayList<String> consentIDs, ArrayList<String> clientIDs, ArrayList<String> consentTypes, ArrayList<String> consentStatuses, ArrayList<String> userIDs, Long fromTime, Long toTime, Integer limit, Integer offset) throws ConsentManagementException;

bindUserAccountsToConsent method

This method lets you bind a user and accounts to a consent.

boolean bindUserAccountsToConsent(ConsentResource consentResource, String userID, String authID, Map<String, ArrayList<String>> accountIDsMapWithPermissions, String newAuthStatus, String newCurrentConsentStatus) throws ConsentManagementException;

Use the same method to bind users and accounts to consent while ignoring account permissions.

public boolean bindUserAccountsToConsent(ConsentResource consentResource, String userID, String authID, ArrayList<String> accountIDs, String newAuthStatus, String newCurrentConsentStatus) throws ConsentManagementException;

searchAuthorizations method

This method lets you search authorization resources for a given input parameter.


Both consent ID and user ID are optional parameters. If both are null, all authorization resources will be returned.

ArrayList<AuthorizationResource> searchAuthorizations(String consentID, String userID) throws ConsentManagementException;

You can use the same method to search authorization resources for a given consent ID.

ArrayList<AuthorizationResource> searchAuthorizations(String consentID) throws ConsentManagementException;

searchAuthorizationsForUser method

This method lets you search authorization resources for a given user ID.

ArrayList<AuthorizationResource> searchAuthorizationsForUser(String userID) throws ConsentManagementException;

amendConsentData method

This method lets you amend the consent receipt or validity period. It is mandatory to provide the consent ID with either the consent receipt or validity period. When the consent is amended, an audit record is created to indicate that however the status of the consent won't be changed.

ConsentResource amendConsentData(String consentID, String consentReceipt, Long consentValidityTime, String userID) throws ConsentManagementException;

updateConsentStatus method

This method lets you update the status of the consent for a given consent Id and user Id.

ConsentResource updateConsentStatus(String consentId, String newConsentStatus) throws ConsentManagementException;

updateAuthorizationStatus method


This is only available as a WSO2 Update from WSO2 Open Banking Identity Server Accelerator Level onwards. For more information on updating, see Getting WSO2 Updates.

This method lets you update the status of an authorization resource when you provide the authorization Id and the new authorization status.

AuthorizationResource updateAuthorizationStatus(String authorizationId, String newAuthorizationStatus) throws ConsentManagementException;

amendDetailedConsent method


This is only available as a WSO2 Update from WSO2 Open Banking Identity Server Accelerator Level onwards. For more information on updating, see Getting WSO2 Updates.

This method amends an entire detailed consent with new values passed to the method. Given below is the method signature:

DetailedConsentResource amendDetailedConsent(
    String consentID,
    String consentReceipt,
    Long consentValidityTime,
    String authID,
    Map < String, ArrayList < String >> accountIDsMapWithPermissions,
    String newConsentStatus,
    Map < String, String > consentAttributes,
    String userID,
    Map < String, Object > additionalAmendmentData) throws ConsentManagementException;

Input parameters:

  • consentID: consent ID of the consent that needs to be amended
  • consentReceipt: new consent receipt
  • consentValidityTime: new consent validity time
  • authID: authorization ID of the user who invoked the amendment
  • accountIDsMapWithPermissions: accounts IDs with relevant permissions
  • newConsentStatus: new consent status
  • consentAttributes: new consent attributes in a key value map
  • userID: user ID of the user who invoked the amendment to create audit record
  • additionalAmendmentData: a data map to pass any additional data that needs to be amended in the consent
    • Following 2 data attributes with the respective key values can be passed in additionalAmendmentData. However, if no additional data is available for the amendment, keep this map empty.

      1. Additional Authorization Resources

        • Key: user ID (for each Authorization Resource in the map)
        • Value: a map of Authorization Resources
      2. Additional Mapping Resources

        • Key: user ID (for each mapping resources List in the map)
        • Value: a map of mapping resources List

storeConsentAmendmentHistory method


This is only available as a WSO2 Update from WSO2 Open Banking Identity Server Accelerator Level onwards. For more information on updating, see Getting WSO2 Updates.

This method stores the details of the previous consent when a consent amendment happens. Given below is the method signature:

boolean storeConsentAmendmentHistory(
    String consentID,
    ConsentHistoryResource consentHistoryResource,
    DetailedConsentResource detailedCurrentConsent)
throws ConsentManagementException
Input parameters:

  • consentID: consent ID of the consent. This is a mandatory parameter.
  • consentHistoryResource: a model that includes the detailed consent resource and other history parameters (for example: amended Timestamp, reason caused the amendment) of the previous consent. This is a mandatory parameter.
  • currentConsentResource: detailed consent resource of the existing consent. This is an optional parameter.

getConsentAmendmentHistoryData method


This is only available as a WSO2 Update from WSO2 Open Banking Identity Server Accelerator Level onwards. For more information on updating, see Getting WSO2 Updates.

This method retrieves the consent amendment history for a given consent. Given below is the method signature:

Map < String, ConsentHistoryResource > getConsentAmendmentHistoryData(
    String consentID)
throws ConsentManagementException
Input parameter:

  • consentID: consent ID of the consent. This is a mandatory parameter.