Data Publishing


Set up WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence Accelerator as follows:

  1. Copy and extract the accelerator file in the root directory of WSO2 Streaming Integrator.



    • <SI_HOME> refers to the root directory of WSO2 Streaming Integrator.
    • <OB_BI_ACCELERATOR_HOME> refers to the root directory of WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence Accelerator.
  2. Run the script in <SI_HOME>/<OB_BI_ACCELERATOR_HOME>/bin:


  3. If you are using WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence at U2 level or above, configure the PRODUCT_CONF_PATH property according to the WSO2 Streaming Integrator version you are using.

    1. Open the <SI_HOME>/<OB_BI_ACCELERATOR_HOME>/repository/conf/ file.

    2. Locate the PRODUCT_CONF_PATH property.

    3. Specify the deployment.yaml file which contains the required configurations according to the WSO2 Streaming Integrator version you are using.

  4. Run the file in <SI_HOME>/<OB_BI_ACCELERATOR_HOME>/bin:

  5. Exchange the public certificates between servers.

    Click here to see how it is done...

    a. Go to the <SI_HOME>/resources/security directory and export the public certificate of the Streaming Integrator:

    keytool -export -alias wso2carbon -keystore wso2carbon.jks -file publickeySI.pem

    b. Go to the <IS_HOME>/repository/resources/security directory and import the public certificate of the Streaming Integrator to the truststore of the Identity Server:

    keytool -import -alias wso2 -file publickeySI.pem -keystore client-truststore.jks -storepass wso2carbon

    c. Go to the <IS_HOME>/repository/resources/security directory and export the public certificate of the Identity Server:

    keytool -export -alias wso2carbon -keystore wso2carbon.jks -file publickeyIAM.pem

    d. Go to the <SI_HOME>/resources/security directory and import the public certificate of the Identity Server to the truststore of the Streaming Integrator:

    keytool -import -alias wso2 -file publickeyIAM.pem -keystore client-truststore.jks -storepass wso2carbon

    e. Go to the <APIM_HOME>/repository/resources/security directory and repeat step b,c, and d.


  1. Make sure that API Manager analytics is enabled in <APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml:
    enable = true
  2. Go to <APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml and <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml to enable open banking data publishing as follows:
    enable = true

Start servers

  1. Go to <SI_HOME>/bin and run the following command to start the Streaming Integrator server:
  2. Set up and start the Identity Server and API Manager Servers as instructed in Setting up servers.

Try out

  1. Register an API consumer application as instructed in Dynamic Client Registration.

  2. Try out the sample API flow using the instructions given in Tryout Flow.

  3. Once you try out the sample API flow, you can notice that data is published to the tables of the openbank_ob_reporting_statsdb database.
