Open Banking Idempotency Handling Validator

The idempotency validator is used to validate idempotency of the requests. It will be a part of the key manager and will used to validate the idempotency of the consent related requests. If the same request is repeated within the configured allowed time, the response is returned from the key manager without calling the back end.


This is only available as a WSO2 Update from WSO2 Open Banking Identity Server Accelerator Level and WSO2 Open Banking API Manager Accelerator Level onwards. For more information on updating, see Getting WSO2 Updates.

Idempotency Validator will use the Idempotency Key stored as a Consent Attribute to identify that the idempotency key has been replayed. Hence toolkit developers has to store idempotency key as a consent attrubute in order to this validation to work as expected.

To achieve the above, use the following method in Consent Core Service:

boolean storeConsentAttributes(String consentID, Map<String, String> consentAttributes) throws ConsentManagementException;

Toolkit Developers can use the following method to validate idempotency:

public IdempotencyValidationResult validateIdempotency(ConsentManageData consentManageData) throws IdempotencyValidationException

This method will first check whether idempotency validation is enabled. Then it will check the following,

  • Idempotency key exists in the database as a consent attribute
  • Payload of the already available request with the requested idempotency key and the current payload are equal
  • The request is received within the allowed time

If either of the above condition is false, validateIdempotency method will throw a IdempotencyValidationException with an error message.

validateIdempotency method will return IdempotencyValidationResult as the output after the validation. IdempotencyValidationResult contains following parameters.

Field Type Description
isIdempotent boolean Value specifying whether the idempotency key in replayed or not
isValid boolean Value specifying whether the idempotent request is valid or not
consent DetailedConsentResource Detailed Consent resource retrieved from the database
consentId String Consent Id retrieved from the database

Since there are different requirements in different regions, you can extend and override the public methods in the IdempotencyValidator class and implement them according to your requirements.

To achieve the above, extend the following class:


Given below are the overridable methods used in open banking idempotency validator.

Method Name Parameter Return Type Purpose of the Method
getIdempotencyAttributeName String resourcePath String To get the Idempotency Attribute Name store in consent Attributes.
getIdempotencyHeaderName None String To get the Idempotency Header Name according to the request.
getCreatedTimeOfPreviousRequest String resourcePath , String consentId String To get created time of the previous request.
getPayloadOfPreviousRequest String resourcePath , String consentId String To get payload of the previous request.
isPayloadSimilar ConsentManageData consentManageData, String consentReceipt boolean To compare whether payloads are equal.

A sample open banking idempotency validator implementation is given below:

 * Class to handle idempotency related operations.
public class IdempotencyValidatorImpl extends IdempotencyValidator {

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(IdempotencyValidatorImpl.class);

     * Method to get the Idempotency Attribute Name to store against the request header value in consent attributes table.
     * @param resourcePath     Resource Path
     * @return idempotency Attribute Name.
    public String getIdempotencyAttributeName(String resourcePath) {
        if (resourcePath.contains("/file")) {
            return "FileUploadIdempotencyKey";
        } else {
            return "IdempotencyKey";

     * Method to get the Idempotency Header Name according to the request.
     * @return idempotency Header Name.
    public String getIdempotencyHeaderName() {
        return "x-idempotency-key";

     * Method to get created time from the Detailed Consent Resource.
     * @param resourcePath     Resource Path
     * @param consentId        ConsentId
     * @return Created Time.
    public long getCreatedTimeOfPreviousRequest(String resourcePath, String consentId) {
        if (resourcePath.contains("/file")) {
            return 0L;
        } else {
            try {
                return consentCoreService.getDetailedConsent(consentId).getCreatedTime();
            } catch (ConsentManagementException e) {
                log.error(IdempotencyConstants.CONSENT_RETRIEVAL_ERROR, e);
                return 0L;

     * Method to get payload from request.
     * @param resourcePath     Resource Path
     * @param consentId        ConsentId
     * @return Map containing the payload.
    public String getPayloadOfPreviousRequest(String resourcePath, String consentId) {

         if (resourcePath.contains("/file")) {
            return null;
        } else {
            try {
                return consentCoreService.getDetailedConsent(consentId).getReceipt();
            } catch (ConsentManagementException e) {
                log.error(IdempotencyConstants.CONSENT_RETRIEVAL_ERROR, e);
                return null;

     * Method to compare whether payloads are equal.
     * @param consentManageData   Consent Manage Data Object
     * @param consentReceipt      Payload received from database
     * @return   Whether payloads are equal
    public boolean isPayloadSimilar(ConsentManageData consentManageData, String consentReceipt) {

        if (payload == null || consentReceipt == null) {
            return false;

        final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new new ObjectMapper();
        JsonNode expectedNode = objectMapper.readTree(payload);
        JsonNode actualNode = objectMapper.readTree(consentReceipt);
        return expectedNode.equals(actualNode);

Configuring Open Banking Idempotency Validation

  1. Open the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.
  2. Add the below configurations for open banking idempotency handling executor:

    enabled = true
    allowed_time_duration = 1440

    The following table explains the configurations used in open banking idempotency handling executor:

    Configuration Name Default Value Type Description
    open_banking.consent.idempotency.enabled false boolean This enables the idempotency validator. Idempotency validation works only if this is set to true. Otherwise, the open banking idempotency validator will be disabled.
    open_banking.consent.idempotency.allowed_time_duration 1440 integer The idempotency available time in minutes for the requests. This is checked in the isRequestReceivedWithinAllowedTime method.