Mobile Application for CIBA

Client-Initiated Backchannel Authentication (CIBA) requires a mobile application that is running on the bank customer’s mobile phone. This app is used to authenticate the customer and their consent during the CIBA flow. This page explains how to develop a mobile app that supports CIBA.


You can start by developing a mobile app that can communicate with the WSO2 Identity Server as the first step. This can be extended to support the CIBA flow.

Use cases of mobile application

Listed below are the basic use cases of the mobile app:

  • Register the device in the specified cloud messaging service. Currently, WSO2 Identity Server supports only the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for CIBA.
  • Register the device in the authorization server (in this scenario WSO2 Identity Server). If you integrate a QR code scanner into the app, you can easily feed the user registration data from the authorization server to the app via a QR code.
  • Display and process notifications received from the authorization server via the cloud messaging service. You need to invoke the consent retrieval APIs of the authorization server using the data available in the notification message.
  • Display consent details and obtain the user’s approval/denial.
  • Perform biometric authentication of the user before approval submission.
  • Submit user approval status to the authorization server. You need to invoke the consent persistence APIs of the authorization Server if the approval status is successful.
  • Unregister a device from the authorization server.
  • Display provided consents.

WSO2 Recommendations

  • WSO2 provides a Software Development Kit (SDK) in React Native with the support to implement all basic features required in a mobile app that supports CIBA. Therefore, WSO2 recommends developing the mobile app using React Native.

  • If you have an existing app written based on different frameworks or if you prefer any other framework/language, the WSO2 React Native SDK can be used as guidance for your development.

  • Use Firebase Cloud Messaging as the registered cloud messaging service in your mobile app. Currently, this is a mandatory requirement and other cloud messaging services will be supported in future releases.

React Native SDK (auth-push-react-native)

WSO2 provides a React Native SDK known as auth-push-react-native. To download this SDK, contact us via WSO2 Online Support System if you have an active WSO2 Open Banking subscription


If you don't have a WSO2 Open Banking subscription, contact us for more information.

To install the package:

npm install @wso2/auth-push-react-native
yarn add @wso2/auth-push-react-native
Click here to view the SDK functionalities that can be used for your app development:
Method Description
addAccount(qrData: DiscoveryDataInterface, pushId: string) Register the device in the authorization server as an account
processAuthRequest(request: JSON) Process the data received from the push notification as an AuthRequestInterface object
sendAuthRequest(authRequest: AuthRequestInterface, response: string, account: Account) Send the authentication response to the Identity Server once the user authorizes/denies the request
removeAccount(account: AccountsInterface) Request within the app to unregister the device from the account in the Identity Server
addApprovedAccountIds(authRequest: AuthRequestInterface, approvedAccountIds: any[]) Set the approved account Ids to the authentication response that would to be sent to the server
processConsentData(authRequest: AuthRequestInterface) Process consent related data in the authentication request to the ConsentInterface object

The auth-push-react-native is based on WSO2 Push Authenticator React Native SDK. For more details including the APIs and the data models available in the SDK, see wso2-extensions/identity-outbound-auth-push.


This auth-push-react-native SDK is not published to the npm registry yet. You can obtain the source code of the SDK via WSO2 Online Support System, then build and add the package to your mobile app project.

Identity Server APIs to invoke

This section explains the WSO2 Identity Server APIs that need to be invoked.

push-auth/discovery-data endpoint

Invoke the push-auth/discovery-data endpoint to retrieve device registration information for a particular user who wishes to register their device. This is a secured endpoint and requires a bearer token bound to the user.

Pass the response of this request to the addAccount() method of the SDK as the qrData parameter.

Invoke this API within the bank user portal, convert the response to a QR code and display it to the user. Therefore, the mobile app should contain a QR code scanner.

GET https://<IS_HOST>:<PORT>/api/openbanking/ciba/push-auth/discovery-data
   "un":"[email protected]",

push-auth/devices endpoint

The SDK invokes the push-auth/devices endpoint within the addAccount() method to register the device in the authorization server/WSO2 Identity Server.

GET https://<IS_HOST>:9446/api/openbanking/ciba/push-auth/devices

push-auth/authenticate endpoint

The SDK invokes the push-auth/authenticate endpoint within the sendAuthRequest() method to send the consent authorization status (approved/denied) to the authorization server/WSO2 Identity Server.

Integrate Firebase to mobile application

Develop the mobile application

Assuming that your app will be developed using React Native:

  1. Create your React Native project.
  2. Set up the FCM SDK. For example, @react-native-firebase/messaging
  3. Use the FCM SDK to register your device in the Firebase cloud project. Once you run this app on a device, generate an FCM token for your device


    FCM token is referred to as the pushId in the auth-push-react-native SDK API.

Set up a Firebase Cloud Project and application


  • This guide provides instructions for an Android app.
  • Add a separate app in the same Firebase Cloud Project for IOS and configure the <your-project-name>/ios/ section of your app accordingly.
  1. Go to the Firebase console.
  2. Create a new Firebase project.
  3. Go to Project Overview and add Firebase to your Android app.
  4. Register the app with the necessary details.
  5. Download the google-services.json file and place it inside the <your-project-name>/android/app/ directory.
  6. Follow the steps suggested by the Firebase console to configure your app in order to use Google Firebase dependencies.
  7. Run your app in an Android emulator/connected Android device.


    When configuring WSO2 Identity Server for the CIBA flow, the Server Key of the FCM project you created above will be used. It will be referred to as the FIREBASE_SERVER_KEY.

  8. Go to Firebase Console > Project Overview > Project Settings > Cloud Messaging API and copy the Server Key.
