Using Hibernate Validator

You can use the validation layer in WSO2 Open Banking Accelerator to perform your business use case validations, for any open banking requirement. WSO2 Open Banking Accelerator uses Hibernate Validator to validate constraints making it easier to customize and reuse.

Let’s see how you can use the validation layer.

Step 1

Decide the Java model you want to validate in your implementation. For example,

class OBRequestObject { 
     private String name;
     private Claims claims;

class Claims {
     private String aud;
     private String scope;

Step 2

Add the required validation annotations. You can use the annotations in:

  • Hibernate Validator Library
  • WSO2 Open Banking Accelerator
  • Your own custom annotations


Accelerator annotations are targeted in the class level. By using them,

  • You can pass the field path to resolve the required variable annotations.
  • You can pass a custom error message in the message parameter when the constraint fails.

For example,

class OBRequestObject { 
    @NotNull // annotation from Hibernate library
    private String name;
    private Claims claims;

@RequiredParameter(param = "aud", message = "Only requests with aud is accepted") // annotation from accelerator
class Claims {
     private String aud;
     private String scope;
     @Max(3600) // annotation from Hibernate library
     private int sharing_duration;

Step 3

Invoke the method that performs the validations from WSO2 Open Banking Accelerator.

OpenBankingValidator openbankingValidator = OpenBankingValidator.getInstance();
String violation = openbankingValidator.getFirstViolation(requestObject);

if (violation != null) {
    //throw error using violation message