Error handling in API Gateway

The WSO2 API Gateway acts as a proxy between the API consumer applications and the bank back-end servers. The API Gateway applies various policies to ensure the validity of API requests and their responses. This proxy applies both open banking and API management related policies.

Handling open banking specific errors

WSO2 Open Banking Accelerator lets you apply policies using the Open Banking Gateway Executors. There is a set of executors that are available in the solution, by default. However, you can customize and implement your own executors according to your open banking requirements. For more information, see Writing a custom Gateway Executor.

When implementing policies with executors, there can be policy violations. Once a policy violation is detected, you need to handle such situations as follows:

  1. Ensure that the error responses follow your open banking specification and are sent back to the API consumer.

  2. Inform the other executors about the violation and decide whether or not to perform other policy validations. For example, if one executor identifies that a mandatory header is missing in a request, the other executors can avoid executing certificate related role validations.

Error handling guidelines for executors


The OBDefaultErrorHandler class that is configured in the API Manager accelerator contains all the necessary error handling implementations. You can refer to the following OBDefaultErrorHandler class as a template.


  1. When you implement a custom executor, you can use the isError flag to identify policy violations. In your executor, at the beginning of each method, check the isError flag in OBAPIRequestContext and OBAPIResponseContext and act accordingly.

    If the policy should not be executed for error scenarios, handle it as follows:

     if (obapiRequestContext.isError()) {
  2. You can create an error object and store relevant information in it. Then set the error object in the context as follows:

    OpenBankingExecutorError error = new OpenBankingExecutorError(OpenBankingErrorCodes.SERVER_ERROR_CODE, "Internal server error", message, OpenBankingErrorCodes.SERVER_ERROR_CODE);
    ArrayList < OpenBankingExecutorError > executorErrors = obapiResponseContext.getErrors();
  3. To customize error messages sent to API consumer applications, you need to implement error handling executors. Perform the following in your error handling executors.

    a. Update the context properties of OBAPIRequestContext/OBAPIResponseContext with the error code and status code:

    • Set the errorStatusCode custom property
    • Set the HTTPStatusCode that needs to be sent to the API consumer application

    For example:

    obapiRequestContext.addContextProperty(GatewayConstants.ERROR_STATUS_PROP, “500”);

    b. Update the custom errorPayload property of OBAPIRequestContext/OBAPIResponseContext with a custom error message. For example:


Handling API management specific errors

The default API management policies also face errors during policy violations. If your open banking technical specification mentions a common error format, you need to follow the same format in API management related errors as well. To achieve this, place a custom mediator.

For example, if your class mediator is, add a new class tag and update the configurations in the <APIM_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/sequences/jsonConverter.xml file as follows:

    xmlns="" name="jsonConverter">
    <property name="messageType" value="application/json" scope="axis2"/>
    <property name="error_message_type" value="application/json"/>
    <class name=””/>

The class mediators can handle the errors thrown only by the API Manager. The errors that the executors throw, do not go through the class mediators.
